Massage can take on many forms in the field of physical therapy. If you have trigger points, scar tissue or inflammation in the muscle, then the muscle is not performing optimally and will result in pain and decreased range of motion. Each one of these dysfunctions requires a different massage technique. A specialist in physical therapy will use a variety of massage techniques throughout the different stages of healing in order to provide the best possible treatment and optimize healing.

at free motion physical therapy our physical therapists will utilize several massage techniques…

  • Cross Friction

  • Deep Tissue

  • Trigger Point Release

  • Cupping

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization

  • Scar Tissue Mobilization

  • Effleurage for Inflammation


At Free Motion Physcial Therapy we also have massage therapists who will utilize the above massage techniques in order to help you with your muscle tension, muscle strains, scar tissue or inflammation. Our massage therapist and physical therapists work together to make sure you are getting what is needed for proper healing and recovery. Currently, we are only able to schedule patients for massage who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident or who have suffered a work related injury and have a labor and industries claim open for their injury.

*All massages include a full 60-minute massage plus a 10-minute consult